The Trending page in Sill is a public-facing way to see what links are trending across all users on Sill. You can find it at, or by clicking the "Trending" navigation item in the menu.

How Trending links are calculated
Trending shows the ten most popular links on Sill over the past three hours. Popularity is determined just like your individual Sill feed: by the number of unique accounts that share a particular link. Sill uses the timelines it has collected via accounts that have signed up for Sill to find the most popular links. Thus, Trending is not a complete picture of Bluesky or Mastodon. It offers an incomplete sample of both networks. As Sill grows, Trending's view of the conversation on these platforms gets better.
The trending feed also shows the most popular post for a given link. This is calculated on something like an impressions model: how many timelines did this post appear in, whether by someone following the original poster or seeing it via a repost. Sill does not look at like or repost counts to determine popularity.
Sill recalculates the trending links every 5-10 minutes, giving a timely look into the conversation on open social media at any moment.
The trending feed is available publicly. If a user is not logged in or does not have a Sill account, there is a banner at the bottom of the page inviting the user to sign up or log in.